Getting up very  early today, as rain forecast by lunchtime   We were away just after 7.30am

Wonderful reflections
Mist rising off the cold water

there had been quite a sharp frost looking at the solar panels

Off we go.  11 locks today.  Looking to moor above lock 12.
Its about a mile to Audlum Top lock

I know that boat -  Hi there - too early to toot !  Probably still in bed, most sensible people would be.  Now me would not have left until about 11am to have a chance of meeting other boats coming up the flight.  But 'ants in his pants Tony' wanted to go early even though it meant every lock was against us !

It looks so beautiful in the sunshine 
Leaky gates here
These little Yellow Wagtails were playing in the lock by weir
Such pretty little birds
Probably a pair.  They often nest in the lock gates
Errrrrr...... Tony on lock gates, me shutting rear gate and taking picture.  Yes I put nose of boat into lock, full reverse to slow it down then hop off as it enters the lock, shut the gate and hop on again before it hits the bottom gates.

This Pine Tree looks like its been sprinkled with frost... actually its the new young shoots giving that pretty effect

The old lengthsmans cabin and store.  They used to manage the flight and kept all the tools they needed in the store with the sliding doors.  Now sadly all locked up 
Very leaky gate here

now here we are above lock 12.  Took just over 2 hours with nearly every lock against us. 

Off to the local CoOp now.

11 locks today

103 total


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